
The Institute was originally formed in 1910 as the Western Canada Military Institute and subsequently changed to the United Services Institute of Manitoba in 1946, with the prefix “Royal” approved in 1982. The name was updated on April 11th 1997 to the Royal Military Institute of Manitoba.

The RMIM is run by a board of directors elected by the membership. Membership is made up of current and former serving members of the Canadian Forces, the RCMP and CSIS…plus people who have a keen interest in the military but may not have served. Go to MEMBERSHIP on this site to get more information and an application form

The RMIM meets at 17 Wing Officers Mess for most of our functions. Once a month (from September til May we have ‘Speakers Nights’ and the RMIM is able to attract the ‘movers & shakers’ within the national security system to keep us informed on current issues. Our annual events include a Christmas luncheon, an AGM and our summer BBQ before we shut down activities til the September.

Go to CALENDAR on this site to see an updated list of all upcoming events for the year and get details (poster) for each event.

The RMIM holds awards dinners whenever we feel we have a worthy list of recipients and these are usually held annually or semi-annually. Go to AWARDS on this site for more information and listings of past recipients.

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