The Patriot Award

Eligibility Criteria

The eligibility criteria are:

  • Be a Canadian citizen(s) or a Canadian corporation resident in Manitoba or, having a head office or subsidiary in Manitoba.
  • For an individual to be eligible, he or she shall be either a native Manitoban, currently residing in Manitoba, or has resided in Manitoba.

The Award may be presented posthumously.

Please use a separate form for each nomination, and please print or type, and attach additional sheets of paper if needed – Examples are available on the RMIM Website – RMIM 

Nominator Information:  

I/We, Mr John Snuffy

Of:  The Royal Military Institute of Manitoba

Please enter the contact information for one nominator only

Telephone:  204-111-1111              E-mail:  

Nominee Information:

Hereby nominate: HCol John Patriot, OMM, CD, President XYZ Manufacturing and HCol, The Lower Fort Garry Rifles 

For the following Award:  (Put a check mark √ in the appropriate box)

 The Patriot Award     ✔         Twice The Citizen Award               The Institute Award      
Brief Biography of the Nominee:

HCol John Patriot is a prominent and highly respected Manitoba businessman whose contribution to the military and civilian community in Manitoba and Winnipeg is outstanding.  He is a patriot who has dedicated the majority of his life to the service of Canada’s military and to the civilian community.  He is a philanthropist who has given very generously of his time, money and energy to the community while running a national production company.  Through his dedication to the military and his community he has shown that he is most deserving of the Patriot Award.  

Nominee’s address:  123 Anywhere Street, Winnipeg, Manitoba, R1L 1R1

Nominee’s contact information: Telephone:  204-111-1112                     E-mail:

Justification for this nomination:  

The following are highlights of HCol Patriot’s contribution to the civilian community:

·         Through his business, XYZ Manufacturing, he has impacted many local and national Children’s Charities, most notably the Children’s Foundation.

·         As Chair of the ABC Society, he has led the way in dramatically improving the services of this organization  in Winnipeg and Manitoba.  He spearhead a major campaign to raise funds to ensure the ABC Society was able to continue with it’s important work in the community while building new facilities to improve the delivery of the ABC Society’s mandate in the community.

·         He has served in many positions on many volunteer boards within the caring and giving organizations in Winnipeg helping to improve the lives of less fortunate adults and children in Winnipeg.  In these positions he has helped raise a substantial amount of money to improve the lives of the less fortunate.

·         He has a keen interest in academics and has sat on the boards of the DEF and HIJ High Schools and chaired the building and fund raising committees in both resulting in a much-improved academic environment in both schools.  He was also the chair of the U of WM building committee and oversaw the development of an enhanced learning centre for the study of dung beetles.

The following are highlights oh his contributions to Military organizations.

·         He has been a member of the Army Reserve since he was 16.  He rose through the ranks and eventually commanded The Lower Fort Garry Rifles before being appointed commander of 38 CBG.  During his time in uniform he volunteered for and served on operations overseas in Germany, Bosnia and Afghanistan.  He retried after his brigade command and forty years of service and was shortly thereafter appointed HLCol and then HCol of his Regiment.  He is an active member of his Regimental Senate.

·         He has been a major contributor to the Wounded Warrior Fund and his company, XYZ Manufacturing has lead the way in hiring wounded warriors, both in Manitoba and in its subsidiaries across Canada.

·         He has been the Manitoba Chair of the Canadian Forces Liaison Council and was instrumental in introducing the “Helmets to Hard Hats” programme in Manitoba.

·         His has worked with other business owners in the local community to ensure retiring wounded soldiers had a meaningful employment post military service.

·         He is a major supporter of and contributor to the Military Family Resource Centre.

·         He is a member of the RMIM, a board member of the Canadian Corps of Commissionaires, The Army Cadet League in Manitoba and was instrumental in forming the “Friends of The Lower Fort Garry Rifles”, which was then instrumental in resurrecting Lower Fort Garry.

There is no doubt that HCol John Patriot has made a very significant and enduring contribution to Canada, the Canadian Armed Forces, Manitoba and Winnipeg in both his civilian and military careers. He is most deserving of the Patriot Award. 

Proposed Commendation:  Presented to Honorary Colonel John Patriot, OMM, CD for over forty years of outstanding service, support and contribution to Canada, the Canadian Armed Forces, Manitoba and Winnipeg. 

Date: 19 Nov 14      Signature(s):  John Snuffy 

Mail to:

The Royal Military Institute of Manitoba, Suite 188, PO Box 17000, STN Forces, Winnipeg, MB, R3J 3Y5


Barb Gillis – 1335 Wolseley Ave, Winnipeg, MB R3G 1H8 or